In this public talk in London Sri Kaleshwar talks about Jesus link to his mother, the divine channels that both Mother Mary an Jesus had and says that jesus means nothing but love. He speaks of the the importance of our own mother, father, and master in ous spiritual development to bring us to god. Sri Kaleshwar talks about how our own mother has the strongest capacity to heal us and recommends that we connect to our mother daily.
Kaleshwar then explains the Holy Womb Chakra Process from the ancient palm leave books, to purify karmas and access amazing cosmic energies. He explains that through the purification of the womb chakra any negative vibrations, negative spirits, negative forcesm, negative thoughts, additions, blocks and mistakes can be pulled out and decharged. He further elucidates the steps to becoming a person of clarity and pure love, a strong healer who can help the globe. His final message is to live in the positive, to open your heart by helping others and create happiness around you.
He left his body in March 2012. The structures he created continue to work in his spirit. Further information at or via the European association Kaleshwar e.V.
5,40 EUR

ca. 3-4 days